Use Cases for Games

Increase your game’s retention and
monetization with the Living Assets™ platform

Integrating dynamic NFTs is an easy way to enable a player-driven economy in your game - giving gamers what they want, increasing retention, and driving revenue. Bring legal item trading into your game and have full control over the market, ensuring that your game’s economy does not fall into the traps of “boom-and-bust” play-to-earn or having professional “farmers” ruin the play for everyone else.


Increase revenue

  • Permit players to trade items in-game, without having to go to gray market websites.
  • Earn your rightful portion of a $10 billion market.
  • Charge your own commission on every trade, and monetize each item an infinite number of times.



Fair play

  • Allow each gamer to control the value of each asset, which gets up- or down-graded based on their engagement in the game.
  • Avoid farming and play-to-earn Ponzi schemes; ensure assets are traded based on their utility to other gamers.
  • Ensure your game design controls the economy while avoiding pay-to-win mechanics.



Build your brand and increase user acquisition

  • Bring the trading economy into your game, and have full control over which assets are traded.
  • Choose which currencies assets are traded in, and under what conditions.
  • Build your own marketplace with our API, or use our white-label marketplace, fully customizable to your game.


Increase retention

  • Keep gamers coming back to play by applying ‘tamagotchi’ mechanics to tradable assets.
  • Achieve Day-30 retention figures of up to 40%.
  • Set your game mechanics to upgrade items that are used regularly, and downgrade those that are ignored.


Engage your players

  • The more gamers play, the more rewards they unlock - and permit those rewards to be traded.
  • Enable gamers to progressively enhance their items for on-chain evolution through task completion and milestone achievements in-game.
  • Record and evolve battle passes on-chain, fostering a feeling of achievement and advancement for gamers.



Build your community

  • Link tradable assets to community engagement on popular social media platforms, and reward your users for building and engaging with the community.
  • The more gamers engage, the more their token is upgraded. And the more benefits unlocked, the higher its value on the market.
  • Encourage and reward your community to share and grow, boosting user acquisition.
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Don’t stop here!

For practical information on how to implement all these ideas download our whitepaper on game design for player-driven economies


Want to know how Freeverse’s Layer 2 works?
Check out our developer documentation.

Get in touch with us to start creating a
player-driven economy for your game today

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