Use Cases for Brands

Harness the power of emerging technologies and experiences to build your brand.

Thriving brands understand the importance of establishing a deeper connection with their customers to foster loyalty, minimize attrition, and drive revenue growth. Our infrastructure provides a vital piece of any web3 program that meets the expectations of the next wave of customers.

Current loyalty programs are broken.
Let Freeverse help you build a better loyalty and rewards program by harnessing the power of web3 and dynamic NFTs to create user generated value (UGV).

Loyalty - Why do brands need web3 to build a better program?

Rewards that work

  • Reward all your customers’ actions, not only their transactions.
  • Encourage word of mouth marketing and referral business by recognizing and rewarding your customers’ activity on social media.
  • Allow your customers to redeem web3 tokens for real world rewards such as physical goods, benefits, activities, events or partnerships.

Loyalty - Why do brands need web3 to build a better program?

Now your customers can trade their rewards

  • Reduce attrition and increase lifetime value by allowing your customers to trade the loyalty they’ve earned (User Generated Value).
  • Liquidity in the loyalty market encourages customers to continue engaging with your brand in the long run, across multiple channels.
  • Monetize this activity by charging a commission on each transaction.

Loyalty - Why do brands need web3 to build a better program?

Increase customer satisfaction; eliminate frustration

  • Adding liquidity to the loyalty market with blockchain technology adds value, removing the poor satisfaction inherent in existing loyalty programs.
  • Remove your loyalty program from its silo: trace, store, and verify data, and even link with other departments in your organization.
  • Use the power of web3 to ensure that data is traceable and never lost.


Connect with your audience across multiple touchpoints

  • Use the power of web3 to find out how and where your customers are engaging with your business in both the digital and physical worlds.
  • Track customer usage of your web3 loyalty assets as well as the standard email and CRM system.
  • Harness the decentralized power of web3 to track your customer’s behavior outside of your immediate reach - including within your competitors’ ecosystems.


Foster co-creation of a
community with your customers

  • Web3 is all about owning, sharing, trading and discussing. Use Living Assets™ to center these activities around your communities’ common goals and passions.
  • Use the power of community around a shared experience (e.g. a club or membership) to define new products and experiences.
  • Involve your community in the co-creation of new products and experiences tied to your brand.


Ensure your brand remains
on trend in the new era
of AI, XR, and Web3

  • Make dynamic NFTs - Freeverse Living Assets™ - a key element in a highly-functional presence of your brand within the metaverse.
  • The virtual future is horizontal: harness an ecosystem of frontier technologies to ensure your brand is on trend in the modern world.
  • Respond to the imperative to offer new and more engaging opportunities and products.


Link the digital and physical
worlds under the umbrella
of your product and brand

  • Create Living Assets™ tied to your real-world products to extend your customers’ ownership rights within a virtual space.
  • Give customers the added value of blockchain-based digital ownership, providing transparency and authenticity absent in the web2 world.


Extend the brand through
partnerships and a shared

  • Leverage interoperability and collaborations with other brands: gain traction from one another’s communities and marketing efforts in shared digital spaces. Follow the example of leading brands like CUPRA engaging with partner brands in their metaverse.
  • Be on trend and early to market. Enhance brand equity through earned media and customer perception.


Create a digital footprint of your
products and bring more life
and value to physical items
in the digital realm

  • Reduce costs and track product information by using traceability inherent in the blockchain.
  • Increase customer confidence in your products by using web3 verification of valuable or rare goods.
  • Encourage your loyal customers to show off and spread the word.

Want to know how Freeverse’s Layer 2 works?
Check out our developer documentation.

Get in touch with us to start using Living Assets™ today

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